Saturday, May 12, 2007

One More Makes Two

One More Makes Two, originally uploaded by LorriM.

In the creating excellence Philips corporate culture.

I have quoted the example on the Nature of motherhood of bird's.

How a bird after giving birth , nurture the babies & then when during the old age, the adult bird have been serving the ageing mother or father.

In the corporation , the departmental & divisional competition are always present, However, a corporate culture must follow the nature beings filial doing.

Rather than killing each other on both the vertial & horizonal axist!!

This great shot by Lorri M, a great artist & member on

1 comment:

Lorri said...

Thank you for the feature, Charlie B.

Yes, nature and corporate culture do have so much in common.

CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie Tan © 2006 - 2007 • all rights reserved