Friday, April 27, 2007

Einstein suffered from dyslexia! Teachers thought he was borderline

Einstein suffered from dyslexia! Teachers thought he was borderline retarded. Albert did not listen to them. He moved to a different type of school. This school de-emphasized rote memorization. Unlike his old school, they stressed creative thinking

Einstein suffered from dyslexia. He is a clear example of a person who would be labeled as learning disabled in today's educational system. With the right approach to education, these labels cannot prevent great accomplishments, as proven by Einstein and others.

Children with learning disabilities have one or more processing or learning weaknesses. At Einstein Montessori School, we would rather not use the term "learning disabled," because many of our great thinkers had dyslexia--geniuses and statesman like Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Leonardo de Vinci, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Walt Disney and so many others. Most of us do not think of these men as having been "disabled."

In fact, Time Magazine named Einstein as the most important person in the twentith century.

Imagine Einstein attending a typical Florida Public School. Most of these schools have adopted a varying exceptionalities or VE classroom model, where one teacher teaches several subjects. This Exceptional Student Education or ESE teacher is certified to teach every subject in Kindergarten through 12th grade.

However, an ESE teacher's training in mathematics may end with algebra, and science and social studies training may be basic. How would someone like Einstein possibly benefit from learning math from such a teacher?

Also, many VE classrooms put dyslexic children in with children who have emotional or behavioral problems. What happens to a child who is faced with a teacher who does not have adequate training? How easy is it for these children to concentrate and learn among peers who have significant emotional or behavioral problems? Bright children with dyslexia often emerge from these traditional placements with low self-esteem, minimal improvements in reading skills, and a woefully inadequate education. Alternatives do exist, like the school that Albert Einstein's parents found. This school had the most effective educational system of any school that Albert Einstein ever attended. In this system, hands-on and creative thinking, rather than rote memorization were embraced. This school was a perfect match for Einstein's tremendous creative and reasoning abilities.

Source: Albert Einstein

Students with dyslexia are often bullied in school and potentially face cyber bullying in Web 2.0 environments. There is real concern that people's contributions will be supressed by cyber bullies who use the condition as a means to insult and humiliate people.

It is fortunate that there are some excellent organisations working to fight the ignorance and bias that many uninformed people have towards this condition. A partial list of such organisations are:

The British Dyslexia Association
Dyslexia The Gift looks at the positive cognitive talents which lead to dyslexia

Generally I have held my own Dyslexia to myself, but seeing the extent to which people with the condition are bullied on social networks I would like to join Prince Harry and make public my condition and the pain it has caused me. To the millions of creative people out there suffering from this condition you don't have to suffer alone, and you don't have to feel bad about yourself because of a limited number of cyber-bullies.

Uploaded by gailorenstein on 26 Apr '07,


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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply


"Students with dyslexia are often bullied in school and potentially face cyber bullying in Web 2.0 environments. There is real concern that people's contributions will be supressed by cyber bullies who use the condition as a means to insult and humiliate people.

It is fortunate that there are some excellent organisations working to fight the ignorance and bias that many uninformed people have towards this condition. A partial list of such organisations are: "

Cyber bullying is not only in the student or in schools.

We the adult & our communities are also facing the oppression, harrassment & bulling constantly by the Emperors of the Web 2.0 era.

That is exactly my vision when I talk about the future of Worldwide web in the 90's. The Digital Divided & Those who Have & Have Not!!

I recommend read Alvin Toffler Book:

War & Anti-War!!


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