Friday, October 27, 2006


Philips-site, originally uploaded by ie-fotografie.

Please click on the photo & read the write up about corporate culture & my vision ....

This great shot by ie-fotografie. A great artist & member on

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

About Philips Present On Asia & Corporate Culture

The following is my answer to one of the enquiries from Netherland regarding Philips B.V. present in Asia:-

Philips have been in Asia the four Tigers or dragons for many many years.

When i was there, I wrote the paper "Creating Excellence Plilips New Corporate Culture" Then they have a the Operation centurion after then disbanded my division.

In fact Sony & Matsushita have the contracts to ptroduce the products under their own labels. Then I was ask to be the bad guy for the divorce.

Then after I booted, they partner with L.G. on CDI & Set top box for T.V.

If you recalled that in the 90's the have the Sologan "let's Make It Better" was alteration from my work 'Achieve Better Together!!"
In english you cannot command people to do things better!!

Next you see their today sologan "Simplicity @ It's Best!!" that is from my paper again on "Back To Basic!!"

My papers on Corporate culture was done in 1989, far before the Gurus' of the present claim.

I never claim that I am the Guru, as I always respect that those philosophies are from those great Guru of the legend i.e. Christ, Gotama, Confucious, Mencious, Lao Zi, Sun Zi; Gandi; .... many many real Gurus before our time.

My territeries cover from Japan to New Zeland.....

Well you must know that the China is the power house for the Manufacturing & Huge market. So not only Philips would have to relocate their factories 7 offices in China.

You also see that Chinese Corps.. would become the partner's & stock holder of major Multi-National corporation of the west today.

They would become gaints multi-National in the next 10 years.

You see Lenovox purchase of IBM PC Co. as the example.

Haier & many Chinese Multi-National would need the partnership & management; Operational; marketing & sales expertise of the western multi-national to excel... Otherwise, they would fail.

The cultural conflict would not only a issues for China, it is also for the develope countries like USA, Europe & Australia....

You see in the knowledge economy era, the have & have not is becomming a wide gap.

There would be more Chaos .. more lay off, more conflict; unrest..... until the dust settle then the harmonies & happiness would return.

I hope you share these vision......

CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie Tan © 2006 - 2007 • all rights reserved