Thursday, December 21, 2006

damn budget cuts! this always happens around xmas time

In my paper to the Supervisory Board & Operating Board of Philips International 1989.

I said that:

Penny Wise

Pound Foolish!!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Philips-site, originally uploaded by ie-fotografie.

Please click on the photo & read the write up about corporate culture & my vision ....

This great shot by ie-fotografie. A great artist & member on

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

About Philips Present On Asia & Corporate Culture

The following is my answer to one of the enquiries from Netherland regarding Philips B.V. present in Asia:-

Philips have been in Asia the four Tigers or dragons for many many years.

When i was there, I wrote the paper "Creating Excellence Plilips New Corporate Culture" Then they have a the Operation centurion after then disbanded my division.

In fact Sony & Matsushita have the contracts to ptroduce the products under their own labels. Then I was ask to be the bad guy for the divorce.

Then after I booted, they partner with L.G. on CDI & Set top box for T.V.

If you recalled that in the 90's the have the Sologan "let's Make It Better" was alteration from my work 'Achieve Better Together!!"
In english you cannot command people to do things better!!

Next you see their today sologan "Simplicity @ It's Best!!" that is from my paper again on "Back To Basic!!"

My papers on Corporate culture was done in 1989, far before the Gurus' of the present claim.

I never claim that I am the Guru, as I always respect that those philosophies are from those great Guru of the legend i.e. Christ, Gotama, Confucious, Mencious, Lao Zi, Sun Zi; Gandi; .... many many real Gurus before our time.

My territeries cover from Japan to New Zeland.....

Well you must know that the China is the power house for the Manufacturing & Huge market. So not only Philips would have to relocate their factories 7 offices in China.

You also see that Chinese Corps.. would become the partner's & stock holder of major Multi-National corporation of the west today.

They would become gaints multi-National in the next 10 years.

You see Lenovox purchase of IBM PC Co. as the example.

Haier & many Chinese Multi-National would need the partnership & management; Operational; marketing & sales expertise of the western multi-national to excel... Otherwise, they would fail.

The cultural conflict would not only a issues for China, it is also for the develope countries like USA, Europe & Australia....

You see in the knowledge economy era, the have & have not is becomming a wide gap.

There would be more Chaos .. more lay off, more conflict; unrest..... until the dust settle then the harmonies & happiness would return.

I hope you share these vision......

Friday, August 18, 2006

Choose your Character !

Choose your Character !, originally uploaded by J.lolover.

This is a great image for individual to self review the character one belong.

This great shot by j.lolover, an artist & member on

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Opportunistic overflow

Opportunistic overflow, originally uploaded by Ahmed Zahid.

From this great shot by Ahmed Zahid, can you realized the mood & power of water??

How the character of water can be applied in the corporate & leadership.....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Societal Mission @ Whole Foods

Societal Mission @ Whole Foods, originally uploaded by coolmel.

“When you fully understand the need to simultaneously satisfy the stakeholders, you'll see that business enterprise and non-profit enterprise are far more alike than different, and they have much to teach each other.”

That is true.

As Sun Zi said, managing a big army is the same as the small army!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


ThE BoaT, originally uploaded by T Glow.

Water could carry & set sail of the boat.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Bee Eggs

Bee Eggs, originally uploaded by chrissie2003.

Looking @ this pic, what is the wisdom that you can learn from the Bees??

Think; Seee, Speak No Evil

Kommunikationstraining :-), originally uploaded by arjuna_zbycho.

This is the old Chinese teaching, how one can or cannot apply in Corporate culture??

Monday, March 20, 2006


thinking, originally uploaded by *Stephanie.

As a Leader & responsible person, one must always review the past & think about the future.

Thinking is the mintue way of life.

Friday, March 17, 2006


Soar, originally uploaded by Yentadeevart.

Looking at this post.

What can a Leader of Corporation learn??

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mother & Baby

Mulheres., originally uploaded by Eneida Castro.

What is the wisdom behind this picture on
the Corporate Culture & leadership??

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ocean - Water

( ( ((O)) ) ), originally uploaded by StanleyChang.

Each single drop's of water accumulated over times, that would become the Ocean.

Can you see the Wisdom that related to this Blog Title.

Lao Zi :

The Most Flexible Thing In The World is Water!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Fire Fighting

无语问苍天, originally uploaded by Wang HL.

Now, just think about it??

How many President & CEO are actually doing Fire Fighting today!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Safety First

Factory - Safety First, originally uploaded by shutupyourface.

Be it In the factory

Be It On The Road;

Be It In The Office;

Safety 1st is Number 1 priority of everyone.

How a leader shall lead by example??

Friday, February 24, 2006

Leadership: The Tough Job of Top CEO

In my opinion:

A CEO is the seasoned Leader who shall know when to go forward & when to retreat!! Be responsible for what his/her action.

As Sun Zi said:

An Army Commander's Must Know when to seize the Opportunity & Take Risk!!

A Hero need to know when to go forward & when to retreat!!

Leadership: who wants the tough job of top CEO?

The global transition to an information-based economy is making top leadership jobs even tougher than in the past, reports Geoffrey Colvin in Fortune. According to the author, this shift creates two key challenges for today’s leaders:

The outdated business model: in the past companies could rely on the same business model for decades. Now business models, which are no longer tied to physical assets, are changing continually and leaders need the courage to face this reality.
Increased customer and investor power: Access to better information on prices and global overcapacity in many industries has shifted the balance of power firmly in favor of customers. Investors, more likely to be big institutions than individuals, are also gaining influence.

The CEO position has been further weakened by the growing power wielded by boards of directors and highly skilled employees as the global talent war intensifies, explains the author. While these leadership challenges may lead to company decline in some cases, there are also great comebacks waiting to happen, notes the author. Leaders like Steve Jobs at Apple Computer and Lou Gerstner at IBM should be an inspiration, encouraging managers to embrace challenges, rather than fear them, concludes the author.

Full story. Geoffrey Colvin: "Who Wants to Be the Boss?” in Fortune (8 February 2006).

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Power of Water

Winter rough sea, originally uploaded by luisa_m_c_m_cruz.

Can you visualized the wisdom of:

Power of Water??

CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie Tan © 2006 - 2007 • all rights reserved